
All Risk Cargo Transit Insurance Protects Your Goods While In Transit

It’s estimated that 30-50 billion dollars is lost annually due to cargo damage and losses as a result of marine, air and land incidents.

International shipping risks include:

  • inclement weather,
  • natural disasters,
  • mechanical failure,
  • human error and,
  • multiple handlings


Think your carrier’s liability insurance works in your best interest? Maybe not.

With carrier liability insurance you have to prove the carrier was at fault. This is difficult to do if multiple carriers are involved, not to mention time-consuming and expensive—especially if you cannot show irrefutable proof.

All Risks Cargo Transit Insurance protects you. Most types of physical loss or damage from external causes are covered and all you need to provide is proof of damage or loss.

And, an All Risks policy pays you first. Insurers seek recovery against the carrier(s) after a claim is settled.

Are you willing to spend between .22% and 3% of your good’s value to protect it?

To get pricing for All Risk Coverage now, submit a request in writing to CrossBorder Solutions and include the goods’ specific shipping point and final destination plus commodity costs and quantity.

Once all the information is received, we will provide you with a quote, within two hours.


March 10, 2015

All Risk Cargo Transit Insurance

All Risk Cargo Transit Insurance Protects Your Goods While In Transit It’s estimated that 30-50 billion dollars is lost annually due to cargo damage and losses […]